08 July 2008


Since friday, I was assigned to use other's pc (again!) in the office. but this time, it's not the CPU which Adjusted itself to come to my place. I was the one whom to go tho its place. And the place happens to be on the other end of the building. My own place, and where my teammates are, is on the southest wing of the building, and the PCs I am to use, is on the northest wing (on the CAD section). That means, if I happen to have a question to ask my boss or my coleagues, related or even not related to the projecy we are working, I need to walk the corridor from end to end. I hope I already finish the drawings by tommorrow so I can go back to my place, that is if my PC is already fixed. My Pc had been pulled out by IT since yesterday to upgrade it to Windows XP. Yes, my PC is still Windows 2000, and its the only one in the office.

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