19 April 2011


Last night in the news, the father of the young actor who died in a car crash told how his son was - a loving, good son.

Now I wonder, when it would be my time to pass, what will people say about me. Will my family say "He's a good boy. He's loving. He's nice."? Will my friend consider me their best friend? I just wonder what I was to them.

I wonder how I had lived my life in the sight of everyone. How was I as a brother, or as a son, or as a friend? I wonder, what will the people hear on my eulogy. Moreover, will there be people attending it?

I don't know. What I do know is that I lived, am living and will live my life the way I know I should be.

PS: I am not wishing for my death soon. I don't want to die yet. Just the thought of it freaks me out. This was just a sudden thought in my mind.

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