07 April 2012

Online Retreat

I had just finished my Online Retreat. This one's from the Jesuits of the Philippines. I made it,since Maundy Thursday, a daily morning habit.

I liked the way the retreat used the popular culture in relating the Message Christ has spread 2000 plus years ago. I liked the way it turned the internet from plainly a source of knowledge to a source of wisdom.

I also enjoyed the way they used pop music as reflection songs. It may be written intendedly for a love song, but it somehow relate as well the Love that is Eternal - the permanent love of Our God. I had, for the past few years, been relating my own love story with Him to the popular music. My friends in facebook or twitter would attest to that. I have been, in some instances, strucked by the Lord through this music, and I called it lovesong from my Savior. At the same time, I have my so called lovesong for my Savior. That would probably why I was, in a little way, became so attached with this online retreat.

I had just wrote this entry to say thank you to the men and women behind this wonderful idea. It wasn't the way we are accustomed to, but I honor them for braving the storm to reinvent and to reach out far to a bigger world. Kudos to everyone and happy easter.