18 January 2010

To My Princess

Still in confusion whether to pursue you or not. You'll be leaving me in a week's time, but still I haven't had fixed the plans.

You'll be going back to the real world, where the illusion of cloud nine is not existing. You'll be returning to your own self. While I stay here dreaming, thinking whether this feeling is true or just a mere make believe.

So I guess it's just goodbye for us now. No, not goodbye. I don't want to.
If only I could hold you tight. If only I could keep you. If only.....

If only I could tell you these.

Again, another failed attempt of a happy ending.....

Another love story unhappened....


Batotoy said...

believe in the power of love...

m e l i n a said...

onga onga :)

Romeo said...

bat ganun? dati narerecieve ko sa mail yung comments dito, ngayon indi na.

ehehehe, need to talk to a person first before making my move. ehehehe. This time I will try.